805-375-0422 sales@isausa.com


Signature files are typically split into active and inactive accounts. ISA‘s methodology uses bar code separator sheets (face sheets) which are printed off a client-supplied database download. The face sheets are produced in the same order as the filing order of paper documents, and are used to match against them. All non-matched files are preliminarly assumed inactive.

The facesheet may also be used to handwrite or checkmark data off paper if the client so requires. Unmatched face sheets trigger a QC process which provides valuable feedback to the client.

Digitized images are sent to ISA‘s plant, where further QC is performed, along with a number of other processes, including:

  • Blank page detection: duplex scanners produce pages which are not always obviously detectable as blank. Our methodology deskews, heavily despeckles and crops the image before testing its compressed size. The transformed image is never kept, it is only used to safely determine if it is blank.
  • Autorotation: Based on image contents, and certain parameters like lower case descenders, etc. a determination is made about the need to rotate the image.
  • Registration: All images likely to contain data to be recognized (OCR/ICR) are registered against borders to enhance zoning accuracy.
  • Image enhancement: Cropping, deskewing. If necessary, low quality originals may be further enhanced using various techniques.
  • Autoindexing: Automatic Bar code recognition allows automatic matching against the client-supplied database(s) to further extract additional indexes. If OCR/ICR is needed, it is performed to add to the data gathering process.
  • Database publishing: Indexed images are fed to ISA‘s publishing and viewing software, to trigger further QC and validation tasks.
  • Export: Final images and data may be delivered using ISA‘s retrieval software, or exported to the client’s imaging system of their choice.
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